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Get a copy of our IP curated notes designed by our Specialist tutors! Our tutors teach classes tailored to schools like Nanyang Girls High and Raffles Girls with a good grasp of their syllabus and the Integrated Programme.
Our IP Curated Notes includes a comprehensive coverage of the entire UPDATED syllabus for 2024, with concise content flows, worked examples & exam pointers!
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Podcast - The Groupchat

'The Group Chat' is an educational podcast for Singaporean students, co-hosted by Overmugged's Founder Darrell.
At Overmugged, we want to have open conversations about Singapore's education system and how students can achieve their desired goals while maintaining a healthy mindset and a growth mentality.
From how to be less careless during exams to learning how to deal with academic failure, we bring you important education related content to frame and empower students.