Ultimate Math Geek and able to induce his passion into students’ learnings in class
Mr Qian Wei
Lower Sec Math
O-Level E-Math
O-Level A-Math
A-Level H2 Math
NTU Mathematical Sciences Graduate
Teaching Experience and Achievements
With over 4 years of private tutoring experience, I mainly worked with students who were struggling to pass mathematics, including even university mathematics students (Multivariate Calculus).
My students - primarily Normal Academic students were subsequently able to pass decently!
As a dedicated tutor, some of the tools I utilised are in graphic applications, visualisation aids such as props for topics like “Pythagoras Theorem”. In time to come, I hope to also introduce more advanced tools such as programming to make problems easier to visualise.
About me
I strongly believe that everyone has the potential to do well, and in thinking more about the process of problem solving rather than racing to the solution itself.
Looking forward to making an impact in the lives of people who entrust their mathematics academic journey to me!